Dr. Ciprian Crainiceanu is a Professor of Biostatistics at Johns Hopkins University with more than 20 years of experience in biostatistics theory, methods, applications, and software development. He works on semiparametric regression, measurement error, and high-dimensional data problems motivated by wearable and implantable technology (WIT), clinical imaging, and hemodynamics information during surgery. Dr. Crainiceanu works in multiple areas of application including aging, Multiple Sclerosis, Alzheimer's Disease, sleep disorders, diabetes, cancer, and surgery outcomes. He is a Fellow of the American Statistical Association (ASA), was twice the Chair of the Statistics in Imaging Section of the ASA and was the chair of the Biostatistics Methods and Research Design (BMRD) NIH review section. He is the co-founder of the Statistical Methods and Applications for Research in Technology (SMART, www-smart-stats.org) research group and the co-founder of Neuroconductor (www.neuroconductor.org)